Monday, November 30, 2015

The Two Blind Men

Going through the Gospel of Mark, I noticed the healings of two blind men – one at Bethsaida (Mk 8:22-26) and another at Jericho (10:46-42). Reading keenly, I realized there is a difference, a sharp contrast in the way both these healings take place.

At the Bethsaida healing, Jesus took the blind man by hand, led him out of the village, put saliva on his eyes and laid hands on him. The man could now see, but not clearly. So Jesus laid hands on him again and looked at him intently. The man’s sight was restored and he could see everything clearly.

The Jericho healing, on the other hand, was quick and easy. Jesus heals the man with just a few words – “Go, your faith has made you well.”

Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Parable of the Sower

While going through the parable of the sower (Mk 4:1-20), I always assumed myself to be in the category of the seeds that fall on the good soil. The only question was whether I produced a yield of 30, 60 or 100. I always knew it for sure that it was anything but 100, and therefore prayed for the grace to bear a bountiful fruit of 100.

Going through the passage once again this morning, I was somehow stuck by the realization that how terribly wrong I had been all these years, how sadly mistaken. May the good Lord forgive me my ignorant self-righteousness.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Path of Grace

The Blessed Virgin Mary is the greatest example of a life of grace. Her grace was so whole and complete that it sets her apart to be chosen as the holy mother of God. The angel of the Lord addresses her as “full of grace”. Nowhere in the Bible do we come across anyone being addressed as being full of grace. We have prophets, great kings, wise men, holy men and women, martyrs, et al; but none of them was ever given such an honor and recognition from an angel from Heaven.

Mary’s reaction to this address is noteworthy. She is “greatly troubled” and does not understand what it meant. Anybody having received such dignified remarks from an angel of God would be elated and inflated with pride. But Mary, on the contrary, is perplexed.