going through the parable of the sower (Mk 4:1-20), I always assumed myself to
be in the category of the seeds that fall on the good soil. The only question was whether I produced a yield of 30, 60 or 100. I always knew it for sure that
it was anything but 100, and therefore prayed for the grace to bear a bountiful
fruit of 100.
through the passage once again this morning, I was somehow stuck by the realization
that how terribly wrong I had been all these years, how sadly mistaken. May the
good Lord forgive me my ignorant self-righteousness.
All these years, while I slogged on to improve my 30s to 60s and 100s, I failed to notice that on many occasions I had, in fact, been the seed that fell on the path, and on several occasions, the seed that fell on the rocky ground, and on still others, the one that fell among the thorny bush.
would listen to the word keenly, but sometimes dismiss them as though not
applying to me. Sometimes, I may even look around at other people, thinking if only
they would listen and understand. Well, I am not exactly judgmental, but sometimes
some words bring to our minds some memories and hurt feelings, and then we tend
to apply to those memories what we hear.
saddened me how, in spite of the clear examples and categorical statements by
the Lord, some people just won’t get it. The world would be a much better place
to live in and so many of us would be so much happier, if these people just for
once understood these things – or such were my haughty, Pharisee-like thoughts
at least.
now, I have come to the realization that it really is none of my business how
other people think, act or speak the way they do. My business is to listen to
the Word, understand it, remember it and apply it to my life. My business is to
humbly receive the Word, and pray for the wisdom to understand it and the grace
to remember and apply it to my life. (Mt 7:1-28)
letting the Word slide away without letting it touch my soul, I let the bird
take it away from me, while nastily letting my thoughts go astray and assess
others. How really disdainful it is that the Word of God is so casually used to
criticize and condemn others, while using it mask over our own frailties and inequities.
again on other occasions I would be like the seed that fell on the rocky
ground. I would happily receive the Word, thank the Lord and rejoice. I would
be decisive and determined, and put in efforts to keep the Word. But as soon as
I hit a tight spot, every ounce of determination I had in me would be thrown aside
and I would revert back to being the same old person I used to be.
What was I thinking? That it would be easy? Did Jesus ever promise it to be easy? Did He say that it was going to be a cakewalk?
What was I thinking? That it would be easy? Did Jesus ever promise it to be easy? Did He say that it was going to be a cakewalk?
In fact, He promised us crosses, troubles and persecutions if we choose to
follow Him (Mk 8:24, Mt 24:9, Jn 15:20). True, He promises us rest, an easy
yoke and a lighter burden (Mt 11:28-30). But we need to carry our burdens to
Him and His grace will make it easier for us to carry on. Surely, that explains
why so many saints and martyrs simply cheered and beamed and exulted in the
Lord in the face of (seeming) tragedies and atrocities, sufferings and
persecutions, trials and tribulations. Seeming, because the troubles of this world would bring them greater and bigger glories in the next.
again on many occasions I would be the seed among the thorny bush. I would try
to grow and thrive in faith, rejoicing in the Lord and His immense goodness. But
then the cares of the world – the rules and mannerisms of the world, the social
protocols and the peer pressure (one needs to go with the tide, you know) –
come in the way of the flourishing faith and block the flow of grace; not to
mention the myriad attractions towards all the vane things in life (oh, I have
got to get that fabulous new dress, it’s so pretty!) and the endless desire to always
have more than what is strictly necessary.
the constant effort to improve myself and answer to the challenging call to be a true Christian,
I have had some successes. I have had my share of 30s, 60s and, at times, even 100s – not by my
merit, but by God’s grace of course. But more often than not, I have failed. How
many times have I let down the Lord and how times has the merciful Lord
forgiven me. But what would be sadder than committing a sin would be to commit
it and not see it at all. What would be sadder than trying and failing is the lack
of will to try again after failures, or worse still, not try at all.
ability to see and the resolve to constantly get better, granted to me by the
Lord, makes me exceedingly thankful to the boundless mercy and the infinite
goodness that the Lord is. The Lord’s love and patience (Lk 15:1-32) gives me the hope and
courage in my pursuit towards a better Christian life each day. Yes, I trip and
fall many times; but I also take courage and get up with my eyes set on the
holy cross of the Lord and His rod and staff being my courage.
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